Property Search - Detail

Property Details
Pear Tree Avenue, Tipton, West Midlands Reference 43224
Address Pear Tree Avenue, Tipton, West Midlands, DY4 8NJ
Type 3 Bed  House Semi Detached
Area Tipton
Gross Rent £ 96.55 per week (inclusive of all applicable charges)
General Information DY4 8NJ. Non parlour type house located in the Tipton area. Shortlisting in registration date order with preference being given to existing SMBC tenants who are not a tenant of a house and have a child aged 16 years or under for whom they receive child benefit. Awaiting EPC. 
Shortlisting Criteria Single + 2 Children
Single + 3 Children
Single with 2 Children same sex
Couple + 2 Children
Couple + 3 Children
Couple with 2 Children same sex
Family unit requiring 3 bed spaces
Family unit requiring 4 bed spaces
Family unit requiring 5 bed spaces
Suitability 507030 Split
Registration Date Only

3 Bedrooms

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Property Reference 43224
Pear Tree Avenue, Tipton, West Midlands - 3 Bed House Semi Detached