Property Search - Detail

Property Details
Long Meadow, Rowley Regis, West Midlands Reference 43011
Address Long Meadow, Rowley Regis, West Midlands, B65 9HJ
Type 1 Bed  Flat Low Rise
Area Rowley
Gross Rent £ 71.25 per week (inclusive of all applicable charges)
General Information B65 9HJ Located in the Rowley Regis area. All occupants must be aged 50 plus. Property has a step-up shower, no bath. There are 2 steps to front and rear. THIS PROPERTY MAY BECOME AVAILABLE. 
Shortlisting Criteria Couple
Single Person
Suitability C
General Needs
This property may become available

Age 501 Bedroom

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Property Reference 43011
Long Meadow, Rowley Regis, West Midlands - 1 Bed Flat Low Rise Ground Floor