Property Search - Detail

Property Details
Denbigh Drive, West Bromwich, West Midlands Reference 45116
Address Denbigh Drive, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B71 2RL
Type 1 Bed  Flat Low Rise
Area West Bromwich
Gross Rent £ 68.65 per week (inclusive of all applicable charges)
General Information B71 2RL. Located in the Hateley Heath Area. ADAPTATIONS ARE LEVEL ACCESS SHOWER AND A STEP TO THE FRONT. Preference will be given to applications who have a recognised medical need for the adaptations or require ground floor. PROPERTY MAY BECOME AVAILABLE. 
Shortlisting Criteria Couple
Single Person
Suitability D
Requires ground floor accommodation
This property may become available
General Needs

1 Bedroom

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Property Reference 45116
Denbigh Drive, West Bromwich, West Midlands - 1 Bed Flat Low Rise Ground Floor